2025 Nor’Easter Ski Day


From 8:00 am until 6:00 PM

At Pico Mountain

2025 Nor'Easter Ski Day

Wednesday February 26,2025

We are very excited to announce a new location for this years Ski Day. We will have Pico Mountain all to ourselves. Registration table will be set up at the Pico base Lodge from 8:30 - 10:00 All registrants must stop by to pick up day passes. Lunch will be pizzas made on site from 11:30 – 1:30. Apres will be at the Pico Base lodge from 4:00-6:00pm with hors d’oeuvres, open bar and entertainment.

The battle for the cup is back. Race information available at registration table on the day of event.

  • $150.00 per person includes – Day Pass, Lunch, Race, Apres, Shuttle
  • $50.00 Per person for non-skiers – Lunch, Apres, Shuttle
  • Housing discount available at Killington Grand Hotel (min 2 night stay) Please call the Grand directly @ (802) 422-5001 and mention that you are with the Golf Course Superintendents, or use this link for online booking: https://www.bookkillington.com/#/room?group=35k9e9&checkin=2/25/2025&checkout=2/27/2025 Enter the Booking Code:  35k9e9
  • Tri State Transportation will provide shuttles running to and from Killington Grand Hotel pre and post event
  • Food availability will be limited to check in (pastries,donuts), Lunch (pizzas) and Apres (hors d'oeuvres). There are no on site food courts.
  • Icon and Pico Season passes are not honored at Pico for outside events

Event Registration Link:  https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/2gq5psa/lp/fec97bf8-6bd8-4553-b95c-bcb32c676d3b?mode=preview&source_id=76be2ca2-9aa2-4ad4-8cd2-a05df42b614b&source_type=em&c=

*** Please register by February 17th to ensure proper food/ski pass counts